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2025 Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Contest 
State Program Chairman: Evie Marwood,, Mobile/Text: 206-519-7431


​"Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires!"



Hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service and the National Garden Clubs, Inc., this contest is an opportunity for local garden clubs to connect with their communities and may be used to promote their local or State Garden club, attract children and their parents, and raise awareness of the importance of caring for the environment and preventing wildfires.


Students in grade levels 1-5 are invited to demonstrate through original drawings of Smokey Bear or Woodsy Owl their understanding of fire prevention and basic environmental conservation principles.


The Grand Prize National Poster Winner will win a free round-trip airfare and accommodations for four to Washington, DC.  In addition, $50 will be awarded to the First Place National Winners from each grade level sponsored by National Garden Clubs. 


Contest Begins: August 2024

Award Announcements: WSFGC - February 2025, Pacific Region - March 2025 and National Garden Club - April 2025

Poster Deadline: Posters are due to State Chairman by January 20, 2025!

Submit Posters To: WSFGC Chairman Evie Marwood, 12711 11th Ave. NW, Seattle, WA 98177


For a complete list of contest details/prizes, click on the information below:

Contest Information

Contest Timelines/Deadlines

Contest Announcement

Local Chairperson's Report 

Local Chairperson's Report - Contact Information

Local Chairperson's Accountability Report

Educator Resources:

For Educators | Smokey Bear

Recycle with Woodsy | US Forest Service (


National Garden Club/Youth Contests

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Creative Writing and Poetry Contest

2023-2024 Theme
"I Spy with My Little Eye, Something Green Outside - Celebrating Our Green World"


Excite and encourage our Youth to express and explore their creative thoughts through different types of poetry. National Garden Clubs's Poetry Contest enables our Youth to embrace their creativity through the art of writing. Be imaginative and join the winners to see your poetry in a printed booklet!


Children Kindergarten through Grade Nine are invited to submit a poem that celebrates our green world. The poetry can take many forms: traditional verse, acrostics, blank verse, cinquains, diamond poems, limericks, or Haiku.
The poems do not have to rhyme.  Do not use the theme as the title of your poem.  Have fun and let the creativity roll.


Contest Begins: August 2023

Club Deadline to Submit to State Chairman: December 1, 2023

Send entries to: WSFGC Chairman, Diane Franchini, 153 Greenvale Drive, Ellensburg, WA 98926-9618



  • Special Education: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade.

  • English as a second language: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade.

  • General Education: Kindergarten through Ninth Grade.



For more information click HERE (See Youth Contests)

WSFGC Program Chairman: Diane Franchini



For complete NGC contest details click below:

National Garden Clubs










Youth Sculpture Contest

Encouraging Youth to Keep Our Planet Green

This contest encourages students to keep our planet green and to get involved with saving the environment. Students in grades 4 through 8 are eligible to create a sculpture of recyclable, reused, and reduced materials. The sculpture is limited in width to 81/2 inches by 11 inches. Height should be proportional to width.

Contest Rules

  • Children in 4th through 8th grade will be eligible to enter the contest

  • Sculptures must consist of recyclable, reused and reduced materials

  • Width of the sculpture can be no more than 8 1/2 x 11 inches

  • Height should be in proportion to width

  • Entries should include as many photographs as can be printed on the back of the entry form but two 4x6 photographs are recommended

  • Club entries must be sent to this State Chairman by December 15

  • First place entries must be sent to Region Chairman/Awards Chairman by February 1, and Region first place entries must be sent to National Chairman by March 1

Scale of Points

  • Creative use of materials and self expression: 60%

  • Description of sculpture and materials used: 30%

  • Craftsmanship and technique: 10%


WSFGC/NGC Program Chairperson: Rachel Jennings


WSFGC Awards Info/Guide 9/2023 (See Sculpture Contest Details) 


For complete NGC contest details and entry form, click the link below:

National Garden Club - Sculpture Contest

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 Pollinator Conservation Program and Pollinator Power Poster Contest


​​ This year, the beetle takes the spotlight as the pollinator!​​​


Please click HERE to learn more about the new pollinator for 2025.

Deadline - February 1, 2025, to submit to State Chairperson.​​​




Whether you would like to participate in the Pollinator Conservation Program or the Pollinator Power Poster Contest here's a resource book to help you with ideas for your project from the National Garden.  Click HERE!

Pollinator Conservation Award Program​

Deadline - December 1, 2024, to submit to State Chairperson.


Details & Rules for Both Programs

Click HERE!


State Chairperson: Mary Lou Paulson


Phone: 360 452-7701

1845 E. Lauridsen Blvd.

Port Angeles, WA 98362

For questions regarding both programs, please contact Mary Lou Paulson.

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